Future Forms
of Typography
Motyf 2018 Brief
MOTYF 2018 Virtual Types asks you to speculate on the future of typography in all its dynamic and interactive forms that include information / communication / interface / entertainment / system.
How will typography be presented in new and emerging technologies such as:
› Augmented Reality (AR)
› Virtual Reality (VR)
› Artificial Intelligence (AI)
› Chatbots & Talking Assistants
› Internet of Things (IoT)
› Wearables
› Autonomous Vehicles
Design a motion or interactive piece showing your imaginative vision of one future form of typography. The concept and content of your work can be anything from a fictional augmented reality (AR) interface to a motion piece quoting visions of the future.
You may choose to write or source any text appropriate for your concept. The forms and technologies suggested above present infinite possibilities. Your work can take any form, narrative, commentary, environment, prototype, advertisement etc.
Choose a future area you want to explore and demonstrate your concept in a motion or interactive piece. If your work is based on physical interaction via an environment or device (headset, touch screen, etc), please also send a video documentation of the piece. If your work is selected, the required equipment can be installed in the Motyf exhibition.
If you have designed a previous piece of work that is an example of future forms of typography these are eligible for entry.
Things you may consider
- How can typography make text more meaningful, accessible and engaging in a multimedia world?
- What does composition mean in interactive virtual environments?
- How can typography stimulate an emotional response in the audience?
- How can typographic systems help way-finding through complex data, information and environments?
Submissions for Motyf 2018
We welcome projects from students and early-career designers alike, focused on interactive or moving types delivering examples / narratives / speculative designs on the future of typography.
To apply, please send a video clip (HD 1280 x 720). We also accept video documentation of interactive work (max. 10 minutes). Also provide a short project description, credits and biography.
If you have any queries about the exhibition, please contact: motyfexhib2018@iadt.ie
September 14, 2018
Where & When
Oct 31 – Nov 04
10.00 – 17.00
Launch Day
Nov 01
The exhibition is open to the public at the dlr LexIcon
Gallery, 1st Floor. The dlr LexIcon is located in the heart of
the beautiful seaside town of Dún Laoghaire, just 12km
south of Dublin City.
dlr LexIcon
Haigh Terrace, Moran Park,
Dún Laoghaire, Dublin
Motyf 2016 Exhibition
Moving Types – Gutenberg Goes Media
Gutenberg Museum, Mainz
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